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One-to-One Cacao Ceremony

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One-to-One Cacao Ceremony
Product Details

One-to-One Cacao Ceremony

This has to be one of my favourite sessions! Combing the deeply powerful medicine of Mother Cacao with a guided shamanic journey, to gain insights, messages and guidance on an intention that really resonates with you and your life at this time.

Cacao is a very powerful heart opening medicine, helping you to connect to deep seated emotions, traumas or woundings that are causing unhealthy patterns, pains or disruption in your life. She can also help you to connect to your creativity, to find your passion and purpose, to celebrate your joy and connect deeper to your ability to love. Her medicine always starts with the self, working firstly on your heart and your connection to your soul or higher self. We will drink Cacao together at the beginning of the session (whether this is online or in person) to set your powerful intention, before settling down to go on a shamanic journey into the other world to meet with the Spirit of Cacao. It is here that you will be able to ask questions regarding your intention and to also receive any messages or insights that she has for you. This is a truly beautiful, expansive, heart-healing session which I feel honoured to be able to offer!

Are you:

Feeling lost, stuck or blocked with how to move forward in your life?

Repeating old patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you?

Experiencing blockages around abundance and financial flow?

In need of heart-healing from an emotional wounding, break-up, trauma or experience?

Feeling the call to connect deeper to your feminine aspect?

Seeking guidance on relationships, your job or business, life path, health, healing path, creativity, trauma or soul's purpose?

Seeking womb healing or sexual healing?

This is a very deep and powerful session which has the ability to shift energy in quite a transformational way, so I really invite you to treat this journey with Cacao as a very special and sacred step on your path forward. I always work intuitively in a compassionate and gently feminine way, so although the work is deep, it is never forced or pushed. I will always hold you in a strong and nurturing container throughout.

What's Included in The Session?

Length: 2 hours (120 mins)

Price: £120.00

1 x 30 min Intention Setting Zoom Call

1 x Dose of Ceremonial Grade Cacao for the Ceremony

A Guided Shamanic Journey to Meet The Spirit of Cacao

Sharing & Reflections


1 x 30 min After-Care Zoom Call

(this will be booked for 2 weeks after your initial cacao journey)

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