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Shamanic Womb Massage
Shamanic Womb Massage
Shamanic Womb Massage
If you are being called to a shamanic womb massage, your womb may be calling for some love and attention. This deeply powerful session combines the physical massage of your womb, abdomen and sacrum, with shamanic energy healing and journeying. This massage will help you rest, relax and receive loving touch that can help you with a whole ream of physical, emotional and energetic ailments and blockages.
Womb massage is stimulates circulation to the pelvic area, relaxes ligaments and tendons which can help with tilted pelvic pain, balances hormones, soothes frayed nerves and helps to bring a beautiful feeling of love, calm and relaxation to your whole being. It is really beneficial for ailments such as: endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, painful periods, irregular periods, missing periods, fertility issues and menopausal issues. On an emotional & energetic level, womb massage is a really powerful way to help with all types of womb related trauma - sexual abuse, birth trauma, miscarriages, abortions, stillbirths, ectopic pregnancies plus any other type of trauma connected to the womb.
Are you feeling disconnected from your womb space, your yoni, your sexuality or your femininity? Have you experienced trauma or emotional wounding that is being held in your womb space? Do you suffer with a painful or disrupted menstrual cycle? Have you experience a miscarriage or are you struggling to fall pregnant? Do you experience pain, numbness, triggers or fear during intimacy with a partner? Do you feel shame or guilt around your sexuality or self-pleasure?
During this powerful session I will also use shamanic healing and journeying, to help take you into a deeper healing state.
Length & Price
Time: 120 mins (2 hours)
Price: £120.00
What's Included in a Session?
- An In-depth Consultation From (sent out before session)
- Intention Setting & Sharing
- Womb, Abdominal & Sacral Massage & Shamanic Journey
- Sharing, Reflections & Integration Ideas
- 30 min Zoom Check In - 2 weeks after the session
** Add Ceremonial Cacao for £10.00 **
If you opt for Cacao, we will drink her together whilst setting your intention to really open your heart so that you can connect deeply to your Womb. This is a very powerful combination!